
Studio M

Reminders & Info

Hi Studio Families!

We just wanted to send a few reminders out going into our second week of classes! 🙂 

MCT would like us to refrain from using the lobby entrance when dropping off or picking up your children.  They have asked that we ONLY use the MAIN STREET ENTRANCE for drop off and pickups.   

MCT has asked us to remind parents that there is no running in the halls or going into rooms that aren’t dedicated to our studio and no playing in the stairwells.  We also want to make sure the noise level in the hall stays to a talking level-no screaming, as MCT does have play rehearsals taking place throughout the week.  WE LOVE our new space and we want to make sure we are respectful to what MCT has asked of us.  🙂 

This week we are officially sharing the space with the Irish dancers.  We do not know how crazy this will be for everyone so please plan to have patience with the amount of people in the hallway.  We will watch how things go this week and make any adjustments that we can.  

We are officially registered for a float for the parade.  We plan to mix things up and come up with our own Homecoming traditions so please be on the lookout for an email explaining how everything will work.  This is what we know as of now:  Company kids will be dancing, little kids will be on a float, parents will be walking & everyone will be in either Studio M gear or a black, purple, grey combo.  More details to follow. 

We want to thank you for joining us on this ever evolving adventure!  We welcome your suggestions & appreciate any concerns you may have.  As always, please reach us via phone (text or call) and email. 

Meagen & Tavja